Céim 1: Bagáiste
Is féidir Bagáiste Ventura a úsáid ar beagnach aon ghluaisrothar agus is féidir é a bhaint nó a leathnú go héasca, ag brath ar do fhad taistil, suíomh nó rogha pearsanta.
Céim 2: Raca
Éilíonn gach raon bagáiste a raca tionlacain féin. Má tá do bhagáiste féin agat cheana féin agus nach bhfuil uait ach raca, is féidir iad seo a cheannach ar leithligh.
Céim 3: L-lúibín
Tá L-lúibíní riachtanach do GACH gluaisrothar agus ligeann siad duit aon cheann de na racaí Ventura a nascadh go díreach le do ghluaisrothar.
The EVO range uses a horizontal rack that secures and supports the packs, meaning no load movement when riding. The EVO range includes the EVO-12 Jet-Stream, EVO-22 Jet-Stream, EVO-60 Jet-Stream and EVO-40.
A vertical Pack-Rack. With the Aero system, multiple packs can be zipped together to increase capacity and improve usability. The Aero range includes the AERO-SPADE VII, AERO-DELTA VII and RALLY III.
A hard luggage top box with 32L capacity. Comes with a mounting plate and universal fitting kit. The Astro Top Box has been developed alongside a top box rack that fits into your existing bike-pack system.
Custom to your bike, Ventura Panniers are designed to fit each specific motorcycle model and features 2 large, easy to fit, 24L bags that slide onto specifically designed racks, with a unique sleeve to hold the luggage firmly in place.
Custom to your bike, Ventura Panniers are designed to fit each specific motorcycle model and features 2 large, easy to fit, 24L bags that slide onto specifically designed racks, with a unique sleeve to hold the luggage firmly in place.
EVO 12 Sruth Scaird
EVO 40
Scaird-sruth EVO 60
EVO 22 Jet Stream III
Tá Córais bagáiste Ventura cothromaithe go foirfe le do rothar.
Is rogha eile iad pacáistí Ventura seachas strapaí scaoilte agus réitigh bagáiste toirtiúla
Gan phian
Níl gá le backpacks trom! Tá pacáistí Ventura dlúth, buan agus éasca le bainistiú
Tá bagáiste Ventura éasca a bhaint, gan aon rud le scaoileadh nó le réiteach